Hire now?

"Corporate is too big. All those people are just looking to justify themselves and create work that cascades down into the organization. If there were less people in Corporate, we could focus on doing our real job instead of spending time working on their priorities."

Ever heard that before?

While it is true that a bloated structure can create work and create too many priorities, I've found that the trap of over staffing exists everywhere in the organization.

Our natural tendency is to focus on, anticipate and prepare for growth in advance of the growth. We want to be prepared.
And yet, as leaders, the more people we hire , the more work we create that is geared to future results.

Take a look at your organization. Test If it is right to deliver the priorities in your plan, and not the results of your plan.

Yes, preparing for growth is important. But stay focused on delivering. Be prudent on the staffing side. Stretch your organization to give a little more and to focus on the here and now of execution and a little less on what it will be like when you get there.

Hiring, reorganizing can be a distraction - while often necessary, do some reflection as to whether it is necessary now.


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