That meeting getting away from you?

You know that point when you have realized that, no matter how well you prepared for your meeting, no matter how well you set the agenda and desired outcomes, the discussion has gone off course?

I have found that when this happens it is not always because the meeting isn't structured well or because the team dynamics are off; in fact, I have found that when your team is performing, when they are engaged, the possibility for unexpected, discussion arises. In many cases it is good discussion, but the fact remains, your agenda is falling apart and you need to get the meeting back on track.

When this happens, and you are having difficulty getting the team back on track, call an unscheduled break. Get with a few key team-members (the ones leading the discussion...) and level-set with them. Tell them you appreciate the discussion, but that after the break you will bring the team back on track with the agenda and you need their help with that.

When you restart the meeting, tell teh team that you will make time later in the meeting or at another time to explore the topic in question, but you are going to bring things back to the planned agenda.

Call that break. Reset.


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