Your energy

Walk into your meeting with energy and the conviction that much will be accomplished, and much will be accomplished. Walk into that same meeting with an air of indifference or cynicism, and you won't achieve your potential.

Your people notice your energy, your enthusiasm, your desire to achieve the goals.

And yet sometimes we don't feel energized, don't feel like "always having to be on". Well, as a leader, you have to be aware that everyone is always reading your cues. That is why it is so important to make time for yourself, to sit back and collect your thoughts throughout the day.

Much has been written about optimal time management. One prevailing belief is that the most effective leaders recognize that working in 90 minute increments and taking breaks between is the most effective way to stay on your game, to stay focused and be productive.

If a meeting is important enough to warrant a large part of your day's agenda, make it important enough to prepare for it. And that means preparing yourself for the meeting too. That way, you bring all your energy to the table.

And that is contagious.


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