A walk in nature

A member of a LinkedIn group, Jaroslav Berce started a conversation about a new way of meeting: A Walk in Nature.

Its a great idea and one that I have used over the course of my career. Taking a walk with a colleague is a great idea for so many reasons(some of these came from the LinkedIn discussion that ensued):

It gets you out of that stuffy meeting room and gets the blood flowing and clears the head.

Walking with a colleague breaks the work walls and allows for a more casual conversation to occur.

Research on how the brain works, indicates that walking helps the flow of conversation.

it's a great way to get to know each other on a different level.

If a meeting is particularly tough, a walk outside allows for a "reset". It creates a more informal atmosphere.

Getting out of the usual work environment and surroundings "shifts the energy" creates new perspectives, jolts the mind and allows for creativity.

And its just good fun to take a walk with a colleague!


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