Engaging your Customer

Engaging your customer in the solution will create more buy-in. People want to give input, to be heard, to feel like they were part of building the solution.

Whether its an external customer, or an internal customer. Whether its your client, your employee or your boss. Engage them in the solution.

Seed ideas, kick the ball around, tee up concepts...and listen to the feedback. Create a rough draft presentation...the rougher the better, and let your customer react to it.

You will learn how your idea flows, you will learn where there are gaps in your solution.. You will learn where your solution is hitting the mark. After all, if your customer isn't happy with the end product, then no-one is.

Its somewhat counterintuitive. You are tasked with putting a product together for your customer, and yet you are engaging them in its creation. Frankly, that's the way it has to be. Your customers have very clear expectations, and many of them will remain unspoken unless you draw them out.


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