Really applying yourself

Jack Moore has taught me a lot of things over the years. He is a common sense guy and one of his themes is about taking ownership and putting hard work into everything you do.

He tells a story of how he came back from the army and decided on what career to pursue. He decided to become a salesman for Lance cracker company, investing in a truck so that he could become a salesman with a route to deliver crackers to stores and schools and vending machines.

his logic for why he chose that profession always stuck with me. (Jack went on to become head of sales and marketing for Lance crackers and a member of their Board of Directors).

Jack told me, "I figured that the commission compensation structure for a sales rep was designed so that the average sales rep could make a decent living. I had no intention of being average. i worked longer hours and applied myself to be the best salesman I could be and I knew that if I could do that, then I could make a good living".

That lesson stuck with me. In anything that we want to achieve, if we aren't willing to give it our all, then it is probably not worth doing. And when we do apply ourselves with focus, commitment and dedication, that passion is contagious.

And it applies to our leadership style. As leaders, our actions speak louder than words. (As my friend Tania Fowler says "Your actions speak so loudly, I can't hear what you are saying!").
When our employees see us articulate company priorities, it is only when they see us apply our efforts with focus, with 110%, that our actions bring the message home.


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