remember my name

when i was a management trainee, part of my curriculum was to spend time a corporate with every department. When i finished my two weeks with Logistics, the SVP of Logistics, my good friend Michael Goh, had a wrap-up meeting with me.

His last discussion point with me was about my career going forward. He looked at me and said "Hans, one of the most valuable things you will get out of this management training program is all the people you met in the last 8 months. Remember that your network is one of your most important assets. Remember my name, because i will remember yours."

That stuck with me, and Michael was so right.

The people we meet, the relationships we build, create a network that is invaluable for us to achieve our objectives. The saying "it's not what you know, its who you know" has a lot of truth to it.

When I coach executives, we talk about how to improve the network: "who do i need to know better in order for me to better achieve my objectives?"

Value your network. Build it up.


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