You have 20 minutes

I was at a sales conference of one of my customers. His customers are surgeons.
The CEO talked to his sales organization about expectation management. About the importance of setting expectations with your customer.

And then he nailed it!

He said, "You know our product. You know the features and benefits. But you have 20 minutes with your customer before he goes into the operating room. How do you use those 20 minutes? Put yourself In the shoes of your customer, in the shoes of that surgeon. What are they thinking? What obstacles to our product are going through their mind? What would prevent him from leaving the longstanding relationships he has with the other company and go with us?"

Don't be on transmit with your customers. Listen. Put yourself in their shoes. Instead think about the possible resistance messages that are running through your customers head. Think about, listen to the problems they are having and address how your product solves their need, solves what is keeping them up at night.


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