Your customers' new priorities

As sales Leaders our goal is to co-create solutions with our customers, to allow them to be more competitive.

Not only does it require deep knowledge of our products and the sectors we serve, but it requires a deep understanding of our customers.
It demands of us an understanding of their strategy and mission, their products, their business plan objectives. It requires that we develop deep, longstanding relationships with stakeholders, and really understand how they achieve their objectives in their organization.

I had the pleasure of giving a SAMA seminar on Values-Based Leadership; we discussed the growing importance and imperative of Shared Value business models that enhance the competitiveness of a company while simultaneously advancing the economic and social conditions in the communities in which they operate.

The survey we did during the webinar suggested that 75% of attendees had customers who have started embarking on the Shared Value curve.

What does this mean? It means there are advocates at the highest levels of these corporations that understand that "Good business is good business" - there is competitive advantage in shared value.

For us as sales leaders, this is extremely important. A new priority is emerging in the organizations we serve. As we speak, "social intrapreneurs" are working within our customers' organizations to drive changes to longstanding business models; to assure that the business of tomorrow addresses social profit as well as financial profit; to assure that they are part of the differentiation that happens in the marketplace when this occurs.

This is our opportunity to co-create value with our customers . By understanding the importance and business value that comes with shared value solutions, and by understanding where our customers are on the Shared Value curve, we can engage in meaningful dialogue with our customers. We can work our relationships with stakeholders to create value for our customers.

By being a resource, a thought partner in this emerging space, we will stand out as solution creators. We will reinforce a critical strategic imperative of our customers, and we will help develop the social entrepreneurs within our customers organizations.


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