Guest Blog - John Corlette

In Order That Evil Shall Triumph

Listen to this: "In order that Evil shall triumph, it is sufficient that Good Men do nothing." I cannot remember who said this, but I am going to say it again, and think, this time, what it means."In order that Evil shall triumph, it is sufficient that Good Men do nothing."
There are many more Good Men or Men of Goodwill in the worId than Bad Men, so why is it that the Bad Men, and Women,and Ideas, so often triumph? Why? Because the Good Men do nothing. Most of the Good Men are too self-centred or too afraid, to stand up for the right against the wrong, and you hear them make excuses. "It's none of my business," they say. "There's nothing I can do. Nothing I can do would make any difference."

Excuses. Feeble excuses. What do you mean, nothing you can do would make any difference?

Everything you do makes a difference.

Everything you do and say and think, makes a difference to everyone around you. You cannot escape from this. Whether you want to or not, you have an influence on those around you, and that influence will be either good or bad; it cannot be neutral. And you are responsible for it. The good things you do, you are responsible for. The bad things you do, you are responsible for, and you are responsible for the good things which you fail to do and which you ought to do.

In order that Evil shall triumph, it is sufficient that good men do nothing.

Source of quote: Edmond Burke


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