Leaving them waiting

You are running your meeting. The agenda starts to slip a bit but you let the discussion go on - its an important discussion and you want to make sure the topic gets airtime and gets explored.

Good decision, but selfish.

Somebody's agenda item will suffer. Someone will get shortchanged because you made that decision. Sticking to the agenda is not just about keeping the meeting on time. Its making sure everything gets covered. After all every agenda item is important.People prepared for their part of the agenda.

Sometimes, people are waiting outside your meeting room to present. What message are you sending them? That something more important came up? That their job is less important so they can sit out there and adjust their schedule later?

If an agenda item looks like its going to run over, tell the team you will give it 5 more minutes and then close it out and schedule a different venue to pursue the priority. Your meeting will run as planned and your people will respect that.


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