Start small. Prove the model

I am working with an amazing young woman. Tina is a student and is starting a business that involves engaging university students to use their passions and create communities that adopt social causes and support them.

I am learning so much by talking to her.

We are working on a business plan and more importantly on what the right launch plan is.

One of the areas that managers struggle with is translating their big dreams/aspirations/goals into manageable tactical steps. Start small, learn the lessons, and then scale the model.

In Tina's case we decided that rather than launch multiple student groups, she is better served to launch one, which she will lead. Why?
Tina can dedicate all her time on proving the model. The first group will test many ways to reach success and some will work and some won't
Key to Tina's business is attracting sponsors. Being able to show sponsors a success story (this model works!) quickly is important. Allowing Tina to focus on one group means she can prove the model faster, in a very controlled setting.
Tina's business involves setting up various partnerships - the social causes, sponsors, events, students... In implementing in a focused way, she will learn what each of these stakeholders values and brings to the table. She will be able to dedicate attention to make these partnerships successful.

We often want to start our projects with multiple work streams and objectives. Before doing so, it makes sense to step back and evaluate at which point you are spreading things too thin and risk doing many things in a diluted manner, versus a few in a focused, well-resourced way


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