too many emails? Too many meetings being asked of you?

If you are struggling with the number of emails that you are getting from your team (often just being cc'd to keep you in the loop) and if you are struggling with how often they need your time to discuss an issue, try this technique.

If you have team members whose job scope requires a weekly meeting,
Establish an hour that is set for each week for you to meet with them (in office or over phone)
Throughout the week, you and they keep a running list of things to be discussed at that meeting. This should be limited to 5 items for them and 2 for you. The day before the scheduled meeting, you share your items and this becomes the agenda for discussion. In sharing the day before, the items it should be short and sweet but enough detail so you know what its about.

For the other team members it is the same process except you don't establish a fixed week;y meeting. Instead, when they have 5 items to discuss, they schedule a meeting with you. Again, they will presubmit the action items as above.

Your regular staff meeting, is of course still critical and the above does not replace that. Instead, it allows you to focus your staff meeting on shared business plan priorities, and use this technique to manage, to cluster the issues that require one-on one updates and attention. Another benefit of this technique is that your team will be very diligent in determining what actually requires your attention.


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