Character Strengths

I've been reading up on the work of Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman in their bookCharacter Strengths and Virtues: A Handbook and Classification.  

They work in the field of  positive psychology,  “ the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive, according to the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, home to positive psychology’s founder, Martin E.P. Seligman.It studies three principle areas, according to Seligman: positive emotions (such as happiness and hope), positive individual traits (such as strength, resilience and creativity) and positive institutions (such as better communities, leadership and parenting)."

I've written before on the importance of understanding the dominant styles of yourself and your team as a way to more effectively interact, build trust and transparency.

The work by Peterson and Seligsman takes a similar approach to character strengths.

Peterson authored a research-based survey that helps people identify their signature strengths, as they’re referred to. It’s called the VIA survey and is offered by the VIA Institute on Character.

The VIA Classification of Character Strengths

  1. Wisdom and Knowledge: Creativity, Curiosity, Judgment and Open-Mindedness, Love of Learning, Perspective

  2. Courage: Bravery, Perseverance, Honesty, Zest

  3. Humanity: Capacity to Love and Be Loved, Kindness, Social Intelligence

  4. Justice: Teamwork, Fairness, Leadership

  5. Temperance: Forgiveness and Mercy, Modesty and Humility, Prudence, Self-Regulation

  6. Transcendence: Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence, Gratitude, Hope, Humor, Religiousness and Spirituality

Each individual's profile identifies "signature strengths" from the list above. Just like in dominant leadership style attributes I have written about,  what is most important about the designation of “signature strengths” is that they are the character traits that are most dominant, the ones that define an important core of the individual – who they are.  Expressing signature strengths of character feels comfortable and natural, not requiring substantial effort or significant degree of willpower.

Understanding your dominant styles and character strengths is a way to become more self-aware ; by focusing on that, you are able to adjust to circumstances, understand your reactions to stressful situations, and understand better how to relate to others.



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