ignorance, indecisiveness and humility

I was asked the other day if I thought it was ok for a leader to say that they don't know.

Good leaders build on a foundation of trust and transparency. When you trust your team, when they trust you, then dialogue becomes unthreatening. Tough topics can be broached with openness, without fear or retribution or criticism.

Good leaders hire and build people to be better than themselves. They understand that doing is not their prime accountability, but rather to motivate, influence their teams to achieve results.

Good leaders have a strong self-awareness of their strengths, weaknesses, passions and objectives. And they share these openly with their teams to create leverage, focus and results.
Self awareness opens the door to a trust- based relationship. If I am aware of myself and i share that with my team, then I will gain their trust and they will open up to me without fear. So in essence, we have to have the humility to bring all of ourselves to the table. With that humility comes empathy and the ability engage with trust and transparency.

So, is it OK to say you don't know? it's more than OK. Its a strong leadership imperative. It does not stem from ignorance or indecisiveness; it stems from humility. The humility to understand that big results get accomplished by hiring the right people, creating a strong team, and motivating them to reach their potential and deliver for you.


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