Questions I have been asked

Do you believe emotional intelligence is a skill that can be developed?
I do believe that it is a skill that can be developed, and should be developed ongoing. There is a lot of stuff being written about empathy in leadership and often it sounds like it’s a quick skill development. I believe we are born with empathy skills, but they must be developed, like a motor skills. It is an ongoing process of self awareness that translates into a more compassionate leadership style. Where we start on this curve is a function of our personal traits but it can be developed; and frankly, should be on every leader’s agenda

Do you agree that of all the skills of leadership, listening is the most valuable? – and one of the least understood
It is definitely a critical one. In general, we talk (transmit) more than we listen (receive) and having n awareness to listen, be present and get input as part of our leadership process is important. Is it the most important? I’d say its up there along with generating trust, transparency, vision, motivation.

Should leaders take action to create a “happy” environment for their people?
I think leaders should create a work environment that is conducive to productivity as well as conducive to employees’ well-being. This includes happiness, but also safety, comfort, networking… Creating a good environment that motivates employees, collectively and individually is a function of the physical environment and the leadership environment that a leader creates.
How do you get leaders to realize that they need to develop further?
When you have regular meetings, the right kind of discussions with your employees, this happens naturally. Such meetings include all aspects of their job, their network, their performance, their career aspirations, work/life balance & skill development. When our performance reviews, talent management discussions are robust, when we listen to the needs and desires of our employees, and when we are clear about our expectations & performance, then we create a mutual understanding and a joint accountability of development opportunities



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