Questions I have been asked

How often should Talent Review meetings occur?
Once a year is realistic, although I have found that once this process really becomes engrained in culture, it is part of management agendas 2-3 times a year with one of those times being a dedicated talent Management meeting

Should Talent Profiles (internal resumes) include a photograph of each employee?
No. Why is this necessary other than opening doors for discriminatory practices or perceptions.

Can you teach old dogs new tricks?
Yes. If the dog is willing to learn new tricks, is  hungry for change or opportunity.

Is relationship building the cornerstone of successful Leadership?
It is definitely one of the key cornerstones to leadership. I spend a lot of time coaching on the importance of good networking as a critical component to being able to effectively do one’s job. Networking is not about career building. Its about recognizing that we do very little alone; that we depend on others in our company, outside our company to get things done, to learn, to gain perspective.



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