Quit often and quit quickly

One of my clients, Nima Pourshabh, is CEO of Formafina.com, an incredible business that includes internet high brand flash sales as well as b-2-b retail sales and distribution in Brazil.

Nima and i were talking about how important it is to stay flexible, to respond quickly to what works and what doesn't work. He was telling me about a professor at Harvard Business School, who gave his students some unusual advice.

In order to succeed, a good entrepreneur doesn't only have to be able to adapt, adjust and flex those original business ideas and premises. Sometimes an idea, a product or even an entire business model needs to be rejected, finished, thrown away.

And many entrepreneurs are successful after some pretty significant failures and false starts.

Nima's professor told his students that they will need to quit often and quit quickly. Good advice. There is nothing worse than hanging onto a bad idea, a bad enterprise, a bad decision for too long.


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