Social Intrapreneurs

I recently gave a webinar on Values-Based Leadership for members of SAMA, (strategic Accounts Management Association). We explored the imperative of values based leadership in the need for corporations to move towards a balance of financial and social profit.
We discussed Shared Value, a business approach whereby corporations build business models that leverage their core products and services to solve social issues while at the same time gaining revenues as they enter previously untapped markets of this demographic.

One of the great shared value models is the Hybrid model. When big business, wanting to create Shared Value, explores what social entrepreneurs are doing in their sector and partners to create Shared Value. When big business finds a way to align its infrastructure, services and products with innovative, progressively groundbreaking business models of these social entrepreneurs, it is powerful. (The Corona Group in Colombia, Adidas...)

In order for such partnerships to happen, traditional businesses need to be driven by priorities, accretive to how they have led in the past. Values-driven priorities that recognize that we all have a part to play in changing the inequities of the world. Values-Based Leadership is a key driver to make this happen. Along with that comes what has been coined as Social Intrapreneurship.

Wikipedia defines it as follows:
"Social intrapreneurship is the action of a social intrapreneur. A social intrapreneur is someone who works to develop and promote practical solutions to social or environmental challenges and acts as a social entrepreneur inside a major organization.
The definition of a social intrapreneur was described by two landmark reports on the subject. Net Impact, with the support of eBay, wrote Making Your Impact at Work.[3] SustainAbility, with the support of IDEO, Skoll Foundation, and Allianz, wrote The Social Intrapreneur: A Field Guide for Corporate Changemakers.[4]
Ashoka Changemakers in partnership with Accenture initiated in the Fall of 2012 the first network exclusively for social intrapreneurs called the League of Intrapreneurs".

As leadership embraces a culture of "Conscious Capitalism" (Mackey) it will look for Intrapreneurs within its midst to drive the change.

Understand where your organization sits on the curve of Shared Value, and find a way to help from the inside out. Become a Social Intrapreneur!


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