creating fun buzz

I'm working with a student, who is launching a social entrepreneurship business.
Her excitement and enthusiasm are contagious, and it is clear to me that she will do great things. From the very first meeting we have had, we have created a tradition; a technique that I have used periodically to create team buzz around a project.

Inevitably, during our meetings we start to pull out papers and start drawing, scribbling ideas and concepts. At the end of the meeting, we take one of those pieces of paper, we write the date on it and everyone in the meeting signs it.

A few years ago, when I started one of my new jobs as CEO, I would take a camera and snap pictures of whiteboard work done with my team...and share them with the team

Capturing these working moments is a great way to finish a meeting where brainstorming and strategy work is being done. Often, when working such objectives, the endgame can be a bit elusive. Rallying the team around this very scrappy, tactical work is a fun way to "record" the effort. Later, when the project is completed and implemented, the team can look back at the "scrapbook" of hard, crazy work that was done and see how it all started and progressed, how great deliverables come from people working together, working hard, creating and building on ideas.

Concrete milestones and deliverables are essential to track team progress. But make sure you find ways that leverage your style and passion to leverage team progress; to motivate your team, to rally your team through tough lengthy deliverables. Find ways that make the journey fun and allow the team to look back on progress as they look forward to success!


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