Mike Tyson got it right

Planning is a critical part of a leaders' role.

Having a great plan sets the stage to create the tactics to execute that plan. But, without a tactical action plan and having a management system to drive execution, a plan is just that...a plan, no results.

A great plan assures that your company, your team are not just focused on today's results, but gearing for growth, for innovation.

But balance between planning and tactical execution is key. Planning sets the stage, sets the roadmap; but it can't get in the way of execution.

And reality dictates that issues  flare up all the time. Issues require immediate attention.
The same goes for opprotunities.  But with good planning, your ability to prioritize, your ability to address opportunities that are square within the "sandbox" of your makes the difference in achieving your goals.

So focus on planning. Organize and allocate time to planning with your team. But always remain flexible to appropriatyelly address critical tactical issues. Be prepared to adjust when needed.

Remember the wise words of Mike Tyson:

"Everybody got plans...until they get hit"


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