Questions I have been asked

Leaders Develop Themselves First! Don’t You Agree?
Not sure about first but I am a firm believer that learning should never stop. I haven’t met a great leader who doesn’t read voraciously, who isn’t constantly searching for new perspectives. I believe great leaders have an inherent self-improvement plan – they may not articulate it but when you observe them you see it – they are curious by nature, look for perspective, look for new ideas and how those can be adapted to fit their needs and opportunities.

Can you train people to be authentic?
I don’t think so. I think people need to want to be authentic with themselves and in their dealings with others. It starts with self awareness, with really wanting to understand yourself better. What makes you tick, your strengths and weaknesses, your style, your character, your values. Its not a comfortable exercise but hugely rewarding. None of us like to be vulnerable, and even less do we like to share our vulnerability. But self awareness, and manifesting that in all facets of your life is necessary for us to be authentic with ourselves and with others

How important do you think it is to prepare the next generation for leadership before they enter the workplace?
Extremely. Good leaders bring with them a combination of experience, skills, values and style. Some elements of all of these happen in the workplace and with time; but all of these also manifest themselves before entering the workplace. In fact, as our world becomes smaller, as global imperatives touch all of us, as business becomes more global, and as awareness of social imperatives grows, we find that preparing the next generation earlier for new doctrines of leadership becomes more critical.


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