There is no other way

Recently in the college NCAA basketball tournament, one of the Louisville players had a horrible leg injury. The team went on to win the game , and flew to Atlanta for the finals.  The coach of the team, Rick Pitino, stayed behind to be with his player.

The other day, a friend of mine called me. He was cutting his trip short to head back to his office because a terrible accident had happened to one of his employees and he needed to be there for family and fellow employees.

A boss of mine once cut  his vacation short, flying halfway around the world, to attend a wedding of one of his employees.

Three simple stories, three simple examples of leaders whose sincerity manifests itself in real, personal ways.  Leaders who lead with passion, who lead with sincerity and empathy see their employees as more than just employees.  They understand that people work best when they feel valued, when they are seen for who they are.

Good leaders take the time to really get to know the people they work and interact with;  not because they have to, but because they want to, because they recognize that there is no other way to truly engage. There is no other way.





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