First blog from my intern, Isabella Ferre

Business and Pleasure: Advice from Rockefeller

It is quite common for a high-powered individual to be a terribly unpleasant boss, yet a complete sweet heart at home. Many feel the need to compartmentalize their life, completely isolating work life from personal life. I believe many individuals fear that their career will be the only variable that defines them as a person. To live a happier and more successful life you must be honest with yourself and the people around you.

So there is something dreadfully wrong if you find yourself an utterly different person at work than you are at home - either you are lying to your coworkers...or you are lying to your spouse. There is no need to leave your morality at home. Your values should also shine through your actions at work. I am believer in looking at the histories for answers.

One of the greatest and most successful business leaders in America was John D. Rockefeller. John D. Rockefeller mixed business with pleasure. He believed many of the values and principles that pertained to life also should be followed in business. Rockefeller’s greatest friendships were founded through business. By combining both realms of his life, Rockefeller further increased the efficiency of his oil company. His investors and partners trusted him. As a result, Rockefeller easily raised capital through networks of personal friendships.

Here is my advice. Don’t do be two-faced. Bring that great, morally driven personality to work. There is no need to separate your work life from your personal life. Not only will you be more pleasant to work for, but you may even increase your company’s profitability. People will work harder if one treats them well.

As Rockefeller comments, “There is more to a company than just the accumulation of wealth for it to thrive. The zest of the work is maintained by something better than the mere accumulation of money..the standards of business are high and are getting better all the time.”

Isabella Ferre is a senior at Williams College, majoring in psychology. She is a native of Miami, Florida where she is currently interning for Ellipsis Advisors and Ashoka.


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