Interest and commitment

I'm rereading  one of my favorite novels, Shantaram. Its dogeared, with underlinings, highlights and notes in the margins. And one line jumped out at me today:

"She said I was interested in everything and committed to nothing."

How often do we complain that we can't get everything done in a day? Too many priorities, too much to do. New priorities keep piling on.

But the reality is, we start a lot of things because they look interesting and then we let them fizzle out. We never had the stamina or resources to see them through. And yet we piled them on our plate, made them part of our to-do list, had meetings about them and perhaps even assigned asks around them.

This is why it is so important to have solid business plan, to draft priorities (key levers) with your team and then communicate them to the organization; to set your meeting agendas to cover those priorities, to measure them and track them. AND TO STICK WITH THEM!

Don't pursue things outside of the sandbox. It's often tempting.  That's where all the interesting stuff lives. And it might be really interesting but it just doesn't fit the game-plan now.  And the only thing you need to be committed to is towards executing the game-plan.


Be interested in the few things, the critical things; and be committed to them.



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