Mick Jagger gets it right again!

Mick Jagger got it right

You can't always get what you want....

It seems we go through life trying to accumulate things. Whether its power, organizations, career promotions, possessions ... progress and self-worth is so often measured by stuff.

We don't always do it consciously. Accumulation of stuff, the desire to have things becomes almost second nature.

And with that desire to accumulate comes complexity.  We lose our flexibility.

And we lose our ability to be satisfied.  If we constantly strive for more, want more, we will be disappointed - there is no avoiding that.  You can't always get what you want!

More, bigger cars. A bigger home.  A vacation home.
More stuff is more responsibility, more stress...less flexibility
It is time away, less time for hobbies, less time to pursue that list of things...

It's not about changing your life, your job. It's about making space by uncluttering your schedules; it's about accumulating less and focusing on the quality of your time and concentrating on doing a little more of the things you really enjoy; the things that matter.

Think about what you need, not what you want.  Take time to think about the value of time, of flexibility to try new things, to sit back and think, write, read.

You need a lot less than you think.  What you need is time every day, to unclutter.  What you need is space to pursue some of those things...

Try it.

Mick Jagger was right ... If you try sometime, you just might find, you get what you need.


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