Risk taking takes resolve

I'm reading a David Baldacci novel. One of the characters says " It didn't seem as risky when we were planning it"  to which he got the reply, "Planning something never seems risky. It's in the execution where all the risk occurs ."

When we agree to take a risk , when we set the plan in motion, we are being bold. We are willing to leave the status quo and disrupt.  We evaluate, decide and plan.

But it's when we start to execute against that plan that our resolve is tested.  Stay the course. Be aware of the intangibles that start to emerge. Be flexible in your responses ... But stay the course. Many people brainstorm opportunities to leapfrog the competition, to test new products and approaches.

Only the few take the risk and execute, willing to fail to achieve results. Only the few stay the course, combining risk-taking and resolve.


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