Who do you hire

When you have an open position on your team, how do you go about filling it? The pressures of filling an open position can be pretty tough. Its a key position and t is needed on teh team to help deliver key objectives. So time is of the essence.  And yet we know that getting the right person in the job is crucial.

If she doesn't have the leadership experience , then how will the team react?

If I compromise on skills, how will he deliver?

What if his style just doesn't click with the team?

What do I need on my team to make us better?

And yet we know that hiring is, like anything else, about compromises.  We only have so much time, there are only so many candidates.

But don't compromise too quickly.  In my experience, a little more time in the process outweighs the risk of a suboptimal hire. Also, really test yourself on your process. Are you casting the net out wide enough?  Are you searching internally?  is it time to look outside the company? Do you interview people you know? Do you interview people that are looking for a job? Or do you recruit, embark on a search for what you really need?

Bringing a new member onto your team is a big decision. Take the time you need. Make sure you are casting the net. Don't just go for what's on the market but create the market - reach out to talent. And include your team in the decision; make them part of the process.



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