Questions I have been asked

Leadership Lessons from the Movies – what’s your favorite Movie?
One of my favorites is The Big Lebowski. There are lots of subtle lessons in that movie, often taught in not so subtle ways. The importance of listening, think before acting, don’t take yourself too seriously, know what you stand for…

Are Leaders Born or Made?
Both. I think some people have the knack and the desire to lead while others are not inclined to, not excited by the prospect. But I do believe that if someone wants to become a good leader, with the right elements, they can – desire/hunger, empathy and courage to show your vulnerability, desire to learn, seeking good leaders to work for, valuing diversity of experience, building a network of mentors, copying shamelessly, willingness to hire people better than themselves.
Be a good follower – I believe that to be a good leader you have to be willing to follow, to learn how to make your leader successful and to want to do that.

How are you using Social Media for your personal leadership development?
I am a huge Linkedin fan. I join groups and read articles and postings daily – I dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to reading and networking with colleagues on Linkedin. I spend another 30 minutes a day reading news content on the internet through news aggregation apps. I plan one webseminar /qr.



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