Questions I have been asked

In my management dashboard, when i have my weekly meetings, how do I  track sales and marketing progress; its not as quantitative as tracking operational or financial goals and milestones?

Actually it is very quantitative. Annual sales  objectives can be (and must be)  broken down into concrete goals that can be measured (Who, What  and When) For strategic customers, the goal to achieving more revenues may be to sell the customer on trying a new product or service on a trial basis; or it may be a goal to arrange a dinner with a  new executive stakeholder; or it may be to set up a strategy meeting with key executives from your company and your customer. Developing a unique solution set and succeeding n pitching it top the customer. Sales revenue and yield objectives can be translated into concrete goals. How many sales calls per week? Which customers are we targeting? What product/service am I selling? Sales talent objectives can be turned into concrete deliverables. Developing and implementing a recognition program, identifying and actioning low performers; placing talent against critical custmer objectives.

I have an amazingly capable employee, but they are hugely disruptive, not a team player; I can't afford to do without their skill/experience, but their style is destroying my ability to get the most out of my team?

You answered your question. You can afford to do without their skill and experience. Its just a matter of how quickly you take action. Not only are you preventing your team from becoming high-performing, but you will lose your talent over time - they won't stand for it.

Think about it, the decision is easy; acting on it is what you are struggling with.



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