The song sheet

How you communicate to your organization makes all the difference.

In order to reach your organization, you have to employ of numerous communications tools and strategies, and designing a robust communications plan is a critical success factor.

Consistency of the message is key.  Whether it is you delivering the message, or another of your team members, it is important that the message is articulated consistently.  Nothing kills a message faster than inconsistency and confusion.  And nothing makes a management team appear disjointed like mixed messages!

So make sure that whoever is tasked with communicating messages within your organization, that they have "The song sheet".

You want everyone singing off the same sheet of music, so that the message is clear, that all salient points are communicated.  In order to do that, make sure your team members, as part of your communications strategy, have a song sheet to work from.

For example, after your monthly or quarterly results have been reviewed with your team and it is time to communicate them to the organization, arm your team with a presentation to use at town halls and staff meetings, or give them a list of taking points that you want communicated to the organization.  The same goes for strategic messaging, or updates of company priorities. Take the time to arm your team with the messaging song sheet.

When you do, you will assure that your organization hears your communications clearly, without ambiguity and consistently.


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