Taking time out in a busy day. Clarity.

However you do it, take time out in your day to step back, relax, reflect and distance yourself from the daily tasks and pressures.  Just 20 minutes before work in the morning, and another 20 minutes mid-day. Try it. You'll be surprised at the energy and clarity that brings.

I meditate in the morning and I use those meditation techniques several times during the day to focus, to center.

I try to read every day. Not business books or the usual stuff I put on my Kindle. But poetry, books on spiritualism, books that make me think differently than I have wired myself to think all these years. I try to shock my system with perspectives out of left field - knowing new perspectives give  me clarity in my daily tasks.

I try to write every day. I write a journal, longhand. I write my blogs. I write children's stories. Writing wakes up the mind.

These are my ways. Find yours. If its closing your eyes at your desk and listening to music, or if its taking a walk - whatever works for you to step back and create distance from the noise.


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