What is your endgame?

How do you define success? At work? Away from work?

in my work with clients, when we are too mired in the day to day fires, in the tactical pressures, I ask the question "What is your endgame?" In other words, what does success look like?

It is important that we take the time to step back and level-set that the work we are doing daily moves us to the endgame. It assures that we have the right perspective, that we are spending our time wisely, and that we have our eye on the ball.

Sometimes the endgame is not clear and we have to take the time to assure ourselves.  Sometimes it  isn't completely flushed out, That's ok. I compare it to an impressionist painting. You squeeze your eyes and see the faint outlines of the landscape, but its fuzzy.  Your team can see the final picture but knows there is work to be done for the work to be complete.

Know your endgame, focus on it; focus your team on it.


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