
My customer Jeff Desich, invited me to attend an amazing conference he hosted for his customers this weekend. One of the speakers said this:

"Excellence can never appear while mediocrity is standing there."

Very true.

I have been thinking about this topic a lot lately. I wrote about the book, The Four Agreements, that i read - one of the agreements is to do your best, and to be comfortable with the fact that you did your best.

While those two goals, the striving for excellence and being good with doing your best, seem contradictory, they are not.

Excellence is not perfection. Excellence describes a quality whereby we choose to excel, strive to excel. To do well, to deliver a good product every time. It is not about being perfect, it is about quality. And as such, when we strive to do our best, to give our best as a matter of course, every day ... then we are being excellent in our pursuits.

We may not be fact I guarantee that! But when we look to excel, we agree to do our best - to not allow mediocrity to stand in the room with us!


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