Sir Richard Branson Quotes


  • “As much as you need a strong personality to build a business from scratch, you also must understand the art of delegation. I have to be good at helping people run the individual businesses, and I have to be willing to step back. The company must be set up so it can continue without me.”

  • “I may be a businessman  in that I set up and run companies for profit, but when I try to plan ahead and dream up new products and new companies, I’m an idealist.”

  • “Once again, I was the captain of my ship and master of my fate.  I believe in myself. I believe in the hands that work, in the brains that think, and in the hearts that love.”

  • “You shouldn’t blindly accept a leader’s advice.  You’ve got to question leaders on occasions.”


  • “I am impressed with just the enthusiasm for life and the fact that some of these people are in their 80’s, even 90’s, and they’re absolutely determined to get out there and make a difference.”

  • “As we drifted to earth I sat up on the glass roof of the capsule, watching the beauty of the golden dawn as it broke over the desert. This was a day I never thought I’d see and the rising sun and growing warmth of the day seemed very precious. It made me aware that hard-won things are more valuable than those that come too easily. It reminded me to always enjoy the moment. “

  • “I don’t think of work as work and play as play. It’s all living.”

  • “I love the freedom of movement that my phone gives me. That has definitely transformed my life.”

  • “Life can seem rather unreal at times.  Alive and well and loving one day.  No longer there the next.”

  • “Life is a helluva lot more fun if you say yes rather than no.”

  • “Ridiculous yachts and private planes and big limousines won’t make people enjoy life more, and it sends out terrible messages to the people who work for them. It would be so much better if that money was spent in Africa – and it’s about getting a balance.”

  • “You only live once, and I just don’t want to waste a minute of my life.”

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson (born 18 July 1950) is an English business magnate best known as the founder and chairman of virgin Group of more than 400 companies.


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