The Artist's Tao XXI

From The Artist's Tao by Sean Starr

XXI Limitations

"Destroy your self made limitations.  There is not a person alive who cannot find a dozen excuses to keep from doing what they fear.

Until you accept that anything is attainable and possible your work will flounder and lack clarity.

Never limit yourself."


Discover your passions.  Explore your passions and then commit to pursuing them. Don't be afraid of failure. Worst case you end up where you started, more experienced to succeed the next time.   Life is too short to let fear constrain you.

Try new things, new approaches.  Only this way will you beat the status quo, beat inertia and get a little closer to achieving your goals.


It seems easy not to try those new things we always talk about, think stay safe.

But to get off the path, to explore those things that attract us...that is pleasure, that is fulfillment.


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