The First 90 Days


When I interview management candidates , one of the questions I always ask is "Tell me how you are thinking about the first 90 days on the job." While I know that the candidate rarely knows the details of the position and the organization, the answer to this question tells me a lot:

Do they speak about themselves?

Do they approach the assignment through a filter of "I" or "we"?

How important is getting to know the team?

Do they plan to dive right in, or understand the landscape?

How important is it for them to understand the customers and their needs?

How important is it for them to get a lay of the land around how the organization works, what employees are saying, thinking?

How important is it for them to define their values and culture to the organization and the team?

How do they structure their management approach? How do they focus? How do they go about understanding the priorities and levers of the business?

But the interview is one thing.  When you take an new management position, the first 90 days matter - a lot. They set the tone of how you will lead. About what your non-negotiables are, what your style is, what your values and passions are. They set the tone for the culture that you set for the organization.

Where do you see the customer?

What values are non-negotiable to you?

What will you tolerate?

Do you recognize risk-taking?

How do you feel about deadlines and commitments?

How do you feel about teamwork?

Those first 90 days are your chance to set the course.  If you don't do so, then you are agreeing to a defacto culture, a defacto leadership ethos - and the organization will define you as opposed to you leading the organization.  Your team is looking for your guidance, for clarity of purpose.

Give it to them - you have 90 days.



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