At the end of the day that is what it is all about

Three years ago this week, I was hospitalized in Hong Kong for a virus I contracted. For 4 days, it was pretty rough going as they searched for an antibiotic that could fight the virus.

I was away from my family, in Hong Kong.

But, what I remember:
My Hong Kong Agility team coming to visit me.
My family reaching out.
My friends from our yearly "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" trip sending me hilarious emails.
A dear friend from by boarding school finding me on facebook and reconnecting in a special way at just the right time.
Another friend who was supposed to be visiting me and passing through Hong Kong on business, stayed in touch to make sure I was alright.
My YPO forum having the monthly meeting via Skype, keeping me company.

In other words, what should be a dark memory for me, is one that I look back on in a good light. Firstly, I was lucky that a ptentially fatal situation turned out alright. But what I remember, what I value, is the memory of people reaching out. People I love, people I care for.

For at the end of the day, that is what it is all about.


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