Create a forum; Invite new perspective

One of the things I like to do with my clients is to give them a forum experience.

I am a member of YPO, an organization of CEOs around the world. Within YPO , I am a member of a forum; forum is a group of 6-8 YPO CEOS that meet every month and share work, family, life experiences.  It is a way to get thought partnership and experience from a very diverse group of people.

Forum is a network that delivers a perspective other than the network I have during the rst of the month.  Shaking it up, and getting new points of view and perspectives is important.

With my clients I work to create a similar experience by bringing them together with people that I know that can add value, add perspective.  I will arrange a dinner where, for that time, my client can bounce ideas off this group of experienced people. I have put entrepreneurs with big business.  I have put big business with social entrepreneurs.  Sometimes I bring people completely outside of my client's work.  Other times, I will bring people who are relevant on their sphere of work but  with whom they wouldn't normally have contact.

The bottom line is to create an experience where new perspective and thought partnership is introduced.

And its always a rewarding experience for all


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