Don't confuse your path with your destination

Do you get frustrated about not accomplishing all the things you want to achieve?
Of course you do.

Life has a way of throwing detours and roadblocks at us. Just when we get our head above water, another crisis appears.  Just when we find we are making headway on that critical project, we have to put it aside.

That's life.  Our goals are reached through a series of stops and starts,  No matter how good we are at planning, at focusing, at sticking to the task, our responsibilities, daily events will occur to derail the best-made plans.  There is a lot of truth in the saying "When man plans, god laughs"!

But knowing what is important to us and striving to reach our goals is what gives us purpose. Set your destination, knowing that no matter how much you plan to get there, it won't be easy and it won't be predictable... Nothing worth attaining is reached that way.  It's bloody hard work.
Come to terms with the fact that the path you are on will be frought with unknowns, with uncertainties.
You will have to step off the path for a while.
You will have to pick a new path.

But remember your destination. Stay focused on your destination.

Don't confuse your path with your destination


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