Reaching into the Organization

I had the pleasure of working with an executive, Andrew Jackson.  Andrew gets it.


Andrew held a management meeting with his management team. There were several objectives to  the meeting: A 360 team review and leadership style assessment (that alone tells you what kind of manager he is!) as well as  strategy and business planning.


But Andrew did something different. He not only invited his management team, but he also invited some other high-potential people in the organization to join his meeting.  He gave those people exposure to the team, he showed them (not told them)  that their input is valuable to him and his team – he showed them that they are valuable.


A simple gesture? Not at all.  But rather, it is  well-thought out leadership..  Andrew and his team brought transparency but also opened themselves up to vulnerability.  But he knows that good leadership is about transparency and trust.  It is about engaging and motivating people.


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