Sir Richard Branson Quotes

Adventure and Fun

  • “A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts.”

  • “Customers shouldn’t just think of your business as a place to buy a product or use a service — it should be a fun place to be.”

  • “First and foremost, any business proposal I like must sound fun.”

  • “I am prepared to try anything once.”

  • “I prefer to have a great time and to keep my wits about me.”

  • “I think the most important thing is that in the last seven days we’ve just had the greatest adventure of our lifetimes.”

  • “I’m inquisitive … and I love a new challenge… and if I feel that we can do it better than it’s been done by other people, we’ll have a go.”

  • “Some 80% of your life is spent working. You want to have fun at home; why shouldn’t you have fun at work?”

  • “Throwing yourself into a job you enjoy is one of the life’s greatest pleasures!”

  • “We’d love to be involved with the creation of something very special, something quite large and something quite exciting.”

  • “We’re going where no one has gone before. There’s no model to follow, nothing to copy. That is what makes this so exciting.”


  • “All you have in life is your reputation: you may be very rich, but if you lose your good name, then you’ll never be happy. The thought will always lurk at the back of your mind that people don’t trust you. I had never really focused on what a good name meant before, but that night in prison made me understand.”

  • “Branding is everything. A young girl once came up to me and told me I could be famous because I looked just like Richard Branson!”

  • “First of all, if you’re setting up a new company, you want to try to find a brand that can work on a global basis.”

  • “Good brands reflect the histories of the time and the group of people that made them. They can not be copied. They can not be recycled.”

  • “If you get your face and your name out there enough, people will start to recognize you.”

  • “In the beginning it was just about the business – now it’s about the brand.”

  • “Protect your reputation.  Don’t be afraid of making mistakes.”

  • “Quality brands never go bankrupt.”

  • “What does the name Virgin mean? We are a company that likes to take on the giants. In too many businesses, these giants have had things their own way. We are going to have fun competing with them.”

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson (born 18 July 1950) is an English business magnate best known as the founder and chairman of virgin Group of more than 400 companies.


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