The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The book talks about 4 principles deriving from the ancient wisdom of the Toltecs who were known to be "people of knowledge" and dedicated themselves to maintaining traditional spiritual knowledge of their ancestry.

The Four Agreements talk to several premises, including that fundamentally we no longer pay deliberate attention to how we express ourselves, that we gossip, how we use words and the effect they have on others and to us.

In addition, the way we live, fills us with assumptions that we believe to be true. We assume what others think and mean and how they respond. We make assumptions about ourselves that we believe are true and we have lost sight of just how many assumptions we make. And because we are not careful with our word, because we spread gossip, then our assumptions, mostly false, are spread too.

The book talks to the importance of not taking things personally. When we receive criticism or praise, that is less a reflection of us than it is of the person giving it. The key being to understand oneself.

The Fourth Agreement is to always do your best. Often we are our worst critics, expecting more of ourselves than our best.


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