Want to get inspired? Meet a social entrepreneur

Meet some social entrepreneurs - heroes that inspire me every day:

Vera Cordeiro, a social entrepreneur in Brazil, has built a holistic healthcare model based on improving the livelihood of single mothers and their sick children – leveraging an empathetic, self-empowering model that raises the mothers out of  cycles of despair and  poverty and which has become a social franchise  in several states in the country and public  policy in  Brazil third largest city .

Eduardo Balarezo, uses his apparel company, Lonesome George, to fund an Outward Bound Academy of Agents of Change; the academy gives young adults the tools, training and skills to become social entrepreneurs and funds the brightest into Ashoka’s Youth Venture program, where they implement their social business models.

Navroze Mehta and his daughter Sonali Mehta-Rao founded Mymela, an online and retail business that markets and sells unique hand crafted products from around the world with a mission to save the livelihood and art of impoverished artisans.

Eric Dawson, founded Peacefirst and has developed a transformational curriculum that embeds value education in schools from K-8, and is now launching a global Peace Prize to shed light on the amazingly courageous work being done by young adults around the world to foster peacemaking.

Understanding ones values and learning how they play a role in how we live, leads to an empathetic approach in all we do, and that is a crucial requirement for driving change.  Social entrepreneurs dedicate themselves to business models  that instill, reinforce and educate values and empathy to drive sustainable social change.  They are working at the forefront of change, implementing the models of the future.

get inspired! While we may not be social entrepreneurism we are change-makers;  it is our responsibility to engage for change, to get the conversation going at all levels.

All of us.  Every day.



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