Reminiscing on Broken Neck Day

Nine years ago today, I had my operation after I broke my neck jumping cliffs while skiing in Squaw Valley.
I was unbelievably lucky and have counted my blessings every day that I survived that accident and was able to continue living a productive, healthy life.

About two years ago, when I started having complications and severe headaches with my neck, my doctors told me that if I didn't change my lifestyle drastically, my complications would worsen...and so I made that change. It was a tough thing to do. I loved my job and my team in Asia and I thrived at it. But it was clear to me that I needed to make a drastic change, or I would pay for it severely with my ongoing quality of life.

I honestly didn't know what I would do in this next chapter of my life but I was confident that opportunities would come. I had just started meditation courses; the philosophy of focusing on the present and reading I was doing led me to the conclusion that if we truly want opportunity to manifest itself in our lives, if we want to do some of those things we talk and dream about achieving, then we have to make the space to allow them to happen.

Having to leave my job in Asia and not having an immediate job to go into, gave me that space. Looking back on the last two years, I have truly found that making space for opportunities and grabbing them when they present themselves works! I was able to write that book I had been wanting to write; I was able to find a meaningful way to contribute to social change-making through deeper involvement with Ashoka and social entrepreneurs. A hugely rewarding career as an executive advisor and coach came about for me.

I miss my old job, leading an amazing team and being a part of a great company like Agility Logistics; but great things have happened for me, and I believe that is because I focused on trying new things, making space and embracing opportunities.

So on this Broken Neck Day, I think back on what could have been and I am happy that over the course of the years, while I certainly have not done everything right, I made choices to pursue opportunities...

And i'm glad I did!


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