That sense of urgency

One of the things I talk with people about regularly is the concept of sense of urgency:
"He doesn't have a sense of urgency"
"How do I instill a sense of urgency?"
"I have a higher sense of urgency and I feel like I'm pulling people along"

There are several ways to think through this.
Passion often drives urgency. If the project/product/idea is mine, then my personal investment in it creates an innate sense of urgency ( and maybe no one else's sense of urgency will stack up to it!)

Look at the priorities you are communicating to your team. Are there too many? Is your plan focused enough? There comes a point where not everything can be urgent.

How are you managing your business? Is there consistency and unity of purpose or are people putting out fires?  It's hard to have a sense of urgency on priorities when you are juggling two machetes, a chainsaw and a flamethrower.

Are you communicating your sense of urgency? Is everyone on the same page? Are there strong feedback loops? Make sure you have that self-awareness to see how you ate delivering, managing and measuring the priority.
Often mixed expectations and messaging can contribute to a misalignment in prioritization...and that subsequent sense of urgency.


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