Your Bucket List?

I have a bucket list. It's my list of things that I want to achieve in my life.

The bottom line for me is that I have the list and that I am spending some time trying to get those things done.  In fact, I am trying to find more time to get those things done.

My bucket list is one little exercise I have towards better self-awareness. it complements the journey towards understanding and striving towards what is really important to me, towards knowing what is truly important to me, what I want to achieve, and what I want to do, to accomplish.

Just the exercise to write down what you want to achieve, is rewarding. And then, along with other exercises in self-awareness, we start making time in our lives for those things.

Some of the items on my list are whimsical. Others involve learning a new skill. Some involve achieving something creative. And others still involve seeing places and doing things.Some are aspirational.

Some examples of things on my bucket list:

Go on Amazon cruise

See Gorillas in Rwanda

Meet the Dalai lama

Visit Varanasi

Publish children's books

Publish book of short stories/poetry

See Bob Dylan in concert

Be a Space tourist

Learn to play Guitar

Learn to play Harmonica

Learn Portuguese

Explore  brazil

Stay at Ice hotel

Be a successful entrepreneur

Dedicate meaningful time to social change

Meditate every day


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