Fish or fowl? Sometimes there is a choice

It was great to see my friends , Lindsay and Karen the other day and I was reminded of a funny ritual they go through.
Karen does not particularly like fish. Whenever they go to a restaurant and decide to share a dinner, Karen is fine with pretty much any menu item as long as it doesn't have fish on it and then Lindsay orders one with fish. The other day she told me that every Friday they go to eat fish. It's not that he doesn't care, he just really likes fish.
We obviously sometimes have to do things we don't particularly enjoy. It's part of the job, that's life . But sometimes we no longer recognize what's necessary and what is discretionary. That sometimes there is another way.
Isn't it worthwhile to step back once in a while and ask "Am I making myself,others, eat fish? Is there another way?"
Often we get into a pattern of how we approach and solve.

Lindsay, take Karen to a steakhouse this Friday!


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