Kids remind us

The other day I again had the opportunity to read some of my children's stories to some second grade classes at Norcrest Elementary. What a treat.

There is nothing quite like the wide open honesty and emotions of children. They don't laugh when we think they will laugh. They laugh whenever they feel like it.

I love when they blurt out in the middle of the reading, cheering on the character, reacting to the story. There is no governor, no delay between the hearing and the reacting. No filtering reactions and thinking too much about the response. Unadulterated emotion.

The best part is when I am done with the story. That is when the questions start:
"Why can the bear talk? Bears don't they?"
"You are a grown-up. why do you write make-believe"
"Can I write a story about a talking sandwhich who goes on adventures with me?"

That is when we talk about imagination, about how great it is to write and put our thoughts on paper. That is when we talk about no limitations to creativity, to goals and aspirations.

To be honest, I get more out of reading to those kids than they will ever get. It brings me back to earth. Teaches me that in that humility, innocence and unbridled emotion lies truth.

I got such a kick out of this comment from one of the kids when I asked about imagination:
"If all pork chops were perfect, there would be no hot dogs.

Can't argue with that!


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