Be aware of others

When I travel, I am always astounded at how often travelers are rude and disrespectful to the people working in the service industry. And most often, that behavior stems from an attitude of indifference, of not feeling the need or desire to engage people at a kind, human level.

And yet we demand great customer service!

What about our obligation to treat people with respect? To appreciate the hard work that people do every day so that we can do what we need to do?

Frankly, I'm conflicted writing this. I don't really want people to read this and change their ways and become more aware and respectful. What I want is for people to want to become more empathetic, in all facets of their lives. How we treat others while we go about our busy lives is one example of how insular we have become. It is so easy to just focus on our objectives and forget that NOTHING gets done without the help of, the interaction of others!

How often have you sat in a taxi without engaging in conversation with the driver. How often have you walked by the people that clean your rooms at the hotel, without thanking them? How often have you sat next to a person on the bus, train or plane and not engaged in conversation? All these moments are lost moments. Everyone has a story, great stories, and we become richer knowing them.

Truth is, a kind word to a stranger, a word of thanks to someone working to make your life easier, brings more joy to you than to the other person. It enriches us in many ways.


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